the said standard of weights and measures shall remain in the
possession and charge of the said clerk, for the trial and correc-
tion of the several weights and measures belonging to the citi-
zens of the said county, and it shall be the duty of the said
clerk, upon application being made, at his office, to try, correct,
brand, mark and stamp the same by the standard, for which ser-
vices the said clerk shall receive six cents for each weight and
measure or scale-beam by him adjusted, to be paid by the per-
son making the application.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the commissioners in and
sioners may
appoint a
for Allegany county, at their discretion, may or may not, in
future, at their annual meetings, appoint a keeper of the stand
ard of weights and measures, who, if appointed, shall lake pos-
session thereof, and perform all the duties that are required of
such keepers by the original act to which this is a supplement,
or so much thereof as the said commissioners may, in their dis-
cretion, deem necessary, for which services the said commis-
sioners may grant such compensation as they may think fit and
reasonable, and the said keeper so appointed shall give bond to
the said commissioners in the penal sum of one hundred dol-
lars, conditioned for the safe keeping of said standard of weights
and measures, and the performance of the duties to be required
of him by said commissioners, agreeably to the provisions of
this act, as a supplement to the act of December session,
eighteen hundred and twenty-five, chapter two hundred and
six, and any thing in the original regulations inconsistent with
this act, is hereby repealed, so far as relates to Allegany county.
AN ACT for the better allowance and payment of Witnesses in Allegany
County.— 1833, ch. 102.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That each and every witness that may be summoned to attend
the respective courts that may hereafter be held in and for Alle-
gany county, who may reside more than five miles from the
place of holding the said court, shall in addition to the per dieia
allowed him by law, be entitled to receive as an allowance of
four cents for every mile, excluding the first five miles, that his
place of residence shall be distant from the place of holding the
county court of Allegany county, to be allowed him in going
to the court ; Provided, that the said itinerant charges shall be
allowed to each of said witnesses only for once coming to the
said court, at any one term, to be taxed and allowed and paid
as the per diem is now taxed, allowed and paid, by law.
See Panthers, fee. ante page 1333.