whenever a constable or any other person shall be summoned
for the purpose of so aiding and assisting, he shall be entitled to
fifty cents as a compensation for his services, and six and a
fourth cents per mile for every mile he may travel, after the
first four miles, to be taxed in the costs against the defendant.
The laws on this subject, were 1796, ch. 8; 1799, ch. 74; 1818, ch. 185;
1826, ch. 100.
AN ACT for the Security of Purchasers of Land Sold by the Collectors
for the payment of Taxes in Allegany County, subsequent to the passage
of an Act, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and eighteen,
chapter one hundred and eighty-five, entitled, a further additional sup-
plement to an Act, entitled, an Act for the more effectual collection of
the county charges in Ailegany County — 1834, ch. 44.
WHEREAS, it has been found by experience that through
some defect, irregularity, omission or mistake in the proceedings
enjoined upon the collectors and others, by the several laws
heretofore passed respecting the sale of lands in Ailegany county,
for the payment of the county charges thereon, the purchasers at
such sales are made insecure in their title to the lands sold ;
Case of
SEC. 1. Be it enacted , by the General Assembly of Maryland,
&c and
That in all cases where purchases have been made under the law,
due publi-
entitled, an act for the more effectual collection of the county
charges in Allegauy county, since the passage of a further ad-
ditional supplementary act thereto at December session eighteen
hundred and eighteen, chapter one hundred and eighty-five, and
where no decisions have been made in the county court touch-
ing the validity of titles thus acquired, or where suits are now
pending touching the validity of such titles, if the purchasers,
their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns do and shall
cause advertisements to be inserted in the newspapers published
in the town of Cumberland, and one in the city of Baltimore,
and one in the city of Washington and one on the eastern
shore of this state, once a week for eight successive weeks, fully
describing the land and the owner's name, where it is known,
and the time of purchase, with the amount they have paid for
the same, the title acquired from the collector shall be as good
and available in law as if the sale had been made by its original
and real owner; Provided nevertheless, that if the person or
persons having such original and real title, or whose interest in
such lands, may have been sold, shall, within two years from
the date of such advertisements, pay or tender to be paid to the
purchaser or purchasers of such lands, his, her, or their heirs,
representatives or assigns, the amount of the money paid by such
purchaser or purchasers, and all taxes subsequently paid thereon.