A table of the degrees of kindred and affinity within which
no person related shall marry together.
A man shall not marry his A woman shall not marry her
Grandmother, Grandfather,
Grandfather's wife, Grandmother's husband,
Wife's grandmother, Husband's grandfather,
Father's sister, Father's brother,
Mother's sister, Mother's brother,
Mother, Father,
Step-mother, Step-father,
Wife's mother, Husband's father,
Daughter, Son,
Wife's daughter, Husband's son,
Son's wife, Daughter's husband,
Sister, Brother,
Son's daughter, Son's son,
Daughter's daughter, Daughter's son,
Son's son's wife, Son's daughter's husband,
Daughter's son's wife, Daughter's daughter's husband,
Wife's son's daughter, Husband's son's son,
Wife's daughter's daughter, Husband's daughter's son,
Brother's daughter, Brother's son,
Sister's daughter, Sister's son.
This table presents the table of degrees of kindred as corrected and
modified by the acts of 1785, ch. 35, and 1790, ch. 20. |
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That if any person within this
state shall hereafter marry with any person related within the
three degrees of lineal direct consanguinity, or within the first
degree of collateral consanguinity, each of the parlies, on con-
viction thereof in the general court, shall forfeit and pay five
hundred pounds current money, or be banished this state for
ever; and if any person within this state shall hereafter marry
with any person related within any other of the degrees of kin-
dred, or within any of the degrees of affinity expressed in the
said table, each of the parlies so offending shall forfeit and pay
two hundred pounds current money. |
Penalty on
within the
&c. |
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the rites of marriage between
any white persons, subjects or inhabitants of this state, shall
not be celebrated by any person within this state, unless by
ministers of the church of England, ministers dissenting from
that church, or Romish priests, appointed or ordained according
to the rites and ceremonies of their respective churches, or in
such manner as hath been heretofore used and practised in this
state by the society of people called Quakers; and if any per-
son shall celebrate the rites of marriage between any white per-
sons as aforesaid, contrary to the true intent and meaning |
by whom to
be celebrat-
ed. |