obedience is required and will be obtained ; he shall see that
the convicts on their discharge, are possessed of every thing
that they brought with them to the prison ; he shall take proper
measures for the health and cleanliness of the prison, and see
that the convicts pay proper attention to their persons; he shall
not permit any kind of gaming, or profane or indecorous lan-
guage to be used by the convicts or any of the officers ; he
of time.
shall employ his time, in the prison, as much as possible in his
office or lodge, overlooking the other officers in the discharge of
their duties, and he is expected to be acquainted with the dif-
ferent kinds of business carried on, so as to form a proper esti-
mate of the faithfulness with which the whole work may be
He shall designate the employment of the prisoners, reference
ment of
being had to their age, sex and health, and the profits of labour ;
under his direction the assistant warden shall deliver out the
materials and receive the manufactures, and he shall cause such
Work -shop
accounts to be kept in the workshops and other departments of
labour as will show the amount of material furnished and the
quantity of work done by each convict, and the amount to
which they may [*] entitled for overwork, and these accounts
shall be closed every week, for the purpose of detecting and
punishing any misconduct of the prisoners in the performance of
their tasks.
He shall inspect the moral conduct of the prisoners, and in
person, or by the assistant warden, attend divine service when-
ever it may be held, at which all the prisoners shall attend,
unless prevented by sickness.
Police and
He shall be answerable for the police and discipline of the
institution, and shall report monthly to the board upon the con-
duct of the officers under his direction ; and the board shall
remove any officer for the slightest offence or omission in the
discharge of his duty.
He must not permit any prisoners to be together at any time,
without proper supervision by an officer; no member of his
family shall hold any intercourse with the prisoners more than
is allowed to strangers ; he must preserve his family entirely
isolated from the prison, and on no pretext shall he allow or
permit a prisoner to leave the prison yard and come into the
front building ; proper officers must be named to attend to all
such duty as is now performed by convicts in passing to and
from the front building and the prison.
He must not encourage any espionage or tale-bearing among
the convicts ; he must govern the institution by the weight of
its authorities, and the prisoners must be made to feel that the
officers are entirely cognizant of all their improper designs, and
prepared to counteract or prevent any effort on their part.