A SUPPLEMENT to the ACT to fix and make permanent the Salaries of
certain Officers of the Civil Government.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the following officers of the civil government, hereafter to
be elected and appointed, shall be entitled to receive at the rate
of the following annual salaries,"in current money, whilst they
continue in office, that is to say : the governor the sum of four
thousand two hundred dollars; the secretary of state the sum of
two thousand dollars, to be in full for all services that the law
does now or may hereafter require said officer to perform : and
they are hereby required to reside at the seat of government ;
the messenger to the governor, who shall be appointed by, and
hold his office during the pleasure of the governor, and perform
the duties now attached to the office of messenger of the execu-
tive council, the sum of four hundred dollars.
of council
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the office of messenger of
the executive council, be, and the same is hereby abolished.
AN ACT supplementary to an Act, entitled, an Act to establish Magis-
trates1 Courts in the several Counties of this Slate, and to prescribe their
Jurisdiction, passed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
chapter two hundred and one.
Sheriff or
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That when any sheriff, deputy sheriff or constable, shall make
may take
an arrest on any capias issued by virtue of the act of assembly,
bond of
passed December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-five,
entitled, an act establishing magistrates' courts in the several
counties of this state, he may take a bond from the person or
persons so arrested, in a sum not exceeding one hundred dol-
lars, where the plea of debt does exceed the sum of fifty dollars,
conditioned for his, her or their appearance before the district
court, agreeably to the command of the capias, to answer the
suit of the plaintiff; and if the defendant, on refusing to give
such bond, with sufficient security, the sheriff, deputy sheriff or
Imprison if
constable, may lodge such defendant or defendants iu the jail of
not given.
the county in which said defendant or defendants may reside,
to be safely kept by the sheriff of said county, until the return
day of said capias.
Case of
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That when there are more than
one obligor to any note, bond, bill, or other instrument of writ-
obligors on
note, bond,
ing, for the payment of any sum of money, not exceeding one
hundred dollars, suit may be brought against all the obligors, or
any of them, in the same election district where the first named
obligor resides ; Provided, they all reside in the same county.