shall be made in some newspaper having circulation in said
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That every year within two
Court of
months next after the court of appeals for the western shore
shall have terminated their session of December term, the
clerks of the couits of appeals of both shores respectively shall
at the expense of the state, cause to be published in some two
of the daily newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore, a per-
fect copy of all the rules by said courts of appeals established,
and then in force.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That in the last week in March
Court of
in every year, the register of the high court of chancery shall,
at the expense of the state, cause to be published in some two
of the daily newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore, a per-
fect copy of all the rules by said court established, and then in
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That as a compensation for per-
forming the duties by this act required of the several officers
herein before referred to, each of said officers shall be entitled
to such sum as the court to which he shall belong, shall judge
to be commensurate with the service rendered by him, and if
any such officer shall fail to discharge at the time, and in the
Penalty for
manner prescribed, any of the duties imposed upon him by this
act, he shall, for every such default, forfeit and pay for the use
of the state, the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered as
other fines are recoverable.
AN ACT to regulate the lime of holding Elections in the several Counties
and Cities in this State.
SEC. 1. Be it enactedr, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Election 1st
That from and after the passage of this act all elections
in October.
throughout the several counties and cities of this state, hereto-
fore held on the first Monday in October, shall hereafter be
held on the first Wednesday thereof, and be subject to the
same rules and regulations as heretofore provided by law.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
Sheriffs re-
sheriffs in the several counties throughout the state, to give
quired to
public notice to the judges of said elections, and to the voters of
said counties and cities, that the said elections will be held on
the first Wednesday in October, instead of the first Monday
thereof, annually as heretofore, and be governed by the same
laws as when held on the first Monday.