entitled, an act relating to free negroes and slaves, so far as the
same requires him to file on oath a list of the negroes so re-
moved, in the clerk's office of the county into which they may
be removed, and on payment of the tax for the same, for the
benefit of the Colonization Society, as is therein prescribed.
To file list
of negroes.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any slave or slaves so re-
moved tinder this act, or the act to which this is a farther sup-
plement, from Virginia into this state, or any slave or slaves
owned in the state of Maryland, may hereafter be employed in
either state, at the ojption of the owner or owners, and removed
from one state to the other at his pleasure, without limitation or
May be em-
ployed in
either state.
restriction ; Provided however, that this act shall not be con-
strued to affect in any wise, owners of slaves, to whom privi-
leges are extended by the fourth section of the act, passed at
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter
three hundred and twenty- three.
A further additional SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an Act for Quieting
Possessions, Enrolling Conveyances, and securing the Estates of Pur-
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all deeds or instruments of writing which have been taken, ex-
ecuted and acknowledged within this state, since the tenth day
of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, which may not
have been certified by the takers of the acknowledgments of
said deeds or instruments of writing, as required by the act of
December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter
two hundred and five, be, and are hereby confirmed and made
Deeds not
act of 1831,
made valid.
valid, to all intents and purposes ; Provided, that in other re-
spects the said deeds of instruments of writing have been
executed, acknowledged and recorded, in conformity with the
laws relating to the subject at that time in force in this state.
AN ACT relating to Constables' Bonds.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That ;
from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for the !
levy court or commissioners of the several counties in this
state, when taking bonds from constables for the faithful, per-
formance of their office, to make said bonds extend to and
embrace the money the said constable shall receive on judg-
ments, and for all acts they shall respectively perform in virtue
of their office, in the county for which they shall be appointed.