prints, &c.
to be deem
ed high
ingly to circulate, or in any way, knowingly assist in circulat
ing among the inhabitants thereof, any pictorial representation,
or any pamphlet, newspaper, handbill or other paper, printed or
written, of any inflammatory character, having a tendency to
create discontent among, and stir up to insurrection, the people
of colour of this state, and that every person that shall be duly
convicted of this offence, shall be guilty of a felony, and shall
from 10 to
20 years-
be sentenced to undergo a confinement in the penitentiary of
this state, for a period of time, not less than ten, nor more than
twenty years from the time of sentence pronounced on such
Unlawful to
make any
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That hereafter, it shall not be law-
ful for any citizen of this state knowingly to make, print or
engrave, or aid in the making, printing or engraving, within
this state, any pictorial representation, or to write or print, or to
aid in the writing or printing any pamphlet, newspaper, hand-
bill or other paper of an inflammatory character, and having a
tendency to excite discontent, or stir up insurrection amongst
the people of colour of this state, or of either of the other states
or territories of the United States, or knowingly to carry or send,
or to aid in the carrying or sending the same for circulation
amongst the inhabitants of either of the other states or territo-
ries of the United States, and any person so offending shall be
from 10 to
20 years
guilty of a felony, and shall on conviction be sentenced to con-
finement in the penitentiary of this state, for a period not less
than ten no? more than twenty years, from the time of sentence
pronounced on such person.
A further SUPPLEMENT to an ACT,* entitled, an Act relating to Free
Negroes and Staves.
WHEREAS, there are many citizens in this state who hold
land both in this state and the state of Virginia, and vice versa,
who find much inconvenience from existing laws, in removing
their slave labour from one state to the other, as necessity and
occasion may require, and for the purpose of facilitating this
intercourse, and at the same time to repress within proper limits
the increase of the slave population in the state ; therefore,
slaves into
this state.
SEC, 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be lawful for any citizen of this state who may
hold lands in Virginia and also in this state, and any citizen of
Virginia who may hold lands in this state, to remove his slaves
from Tirginia into this state, on his compliance with the requi-
sitions and provisions of the fourth section of the act of assem-
bly, passed at December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-
one, and also of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-three,
chapter eighty-seven, entitled, a further supplement to an act,