two dollars per day, for each and every day that they may or
shall respectfully* attend the sittings of the said courts, to be
paid to them or their order by their respective chief justices out
of any moneys by them received, as also herein before provided,
Annual re-
port of at-
tendance —
and of fees
and each of the said chief justices of the said district courts in
the several counties in this state, shall furnish to the levy court
or commissioners of the tax, of the respective counties, on or
before the first day of June, in the year of our Lord, eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, and annually thereafter, a full and
fair statement with an affidavit of the truth thereof annexed,
setting forth the number of days which each of the said district
justices may have attended the meeting of their respective dis-
trict courts, and the whole amount of fees by them respectively
over of
received ; and each of the ssid chief justices shall pay over to
the said levy courts or commissioners of the county, the balance
remaining in their hands, if any after retaining for themselves
respectively, and the several other district justices in their re-
spective districts the sum allowed them for their services under
the provisions of this act, and all sums so received by the said
levy courts or commissioners of the county, shall be by them
How to be
disposed of
disbursed and appropriated in extra allowances to the said dis-
trict justices or otherwise, as they in their discretion may think
In case of
best; and if the moneys received by the said chief justice, shall
not have been sufficient to pay the per diem allowances afore-
and levy
said, the levy court or county commissioners of the county shall
annually pay to the justices, such sums as shall be requisite to
make up the full amount of such allowances, to be levied and
collected as county charges are.
May give
plaintiff or
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That from and after the passage
of this act, it shall and may be lawful for the said district courts
to enter judgment in all cases of which they may have cogni-
zance, against either plaintiff or defendant, for such sum as to
them may appear just and right, with such costs as may have
accrued in the prosecution of the case, which said judgment
when so rendered, if in favour of the defendant, shall be of
equal effect and avail as if the same were rendered in favour of
the plaintiff, and it shall and may be lawful to enforce the re-
covery of the same in the same manner as if the same were
rendered in favour of the plaintiff.
Case of
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That in case any one of the dis-
trict justices appointed under this act shall die, resign, or refuse
to act, or remove out of the district in which he may have been
appointedj it shall be the duty of the governor and council,
having been informed thereof, at their next meeting, to appoint
and commission some suitable person to fill the vacancy occa-
sioned by such death, resignation, refusal to act, or removal out
of the district