may join
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any uniformed militia com-
pany that shall be hereafter formed, may join any battalion,
squadron or regiment, within the limits of which it may have
been formed, and in which there may be a vacancy ; Provided,
the three commissioned officers, highest in rank, commanding
such battalion, squadron or regiment, shall assent thereto, or
Or may be
any such company may be attached, by order of the governor
and council, to any battalion, squadron or regiment, within the
limits of which it shall be formed.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
commanding officer of every uniformed militia company that
shall volunteer its services to the state, as herein before men-
tioned, for the term of one year, to furnish a list of the members
of his company to the commandant of his battalion, squadron,
or regimental district in which it is formed, and they shall be
four years
from draft.
Their meet-
ing! for drill
exempt from being draughted in the district militia, for the term
of four years thereafter.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That a majority of any uniformed
militia company shall have full power to determine, what and
how many days of meeting for drills, they will have throughout
the year, not to exceed six, over and above the two days herein
after appointed for inspection and drill, and to impose such
fines and penalties on any member neglecting or refusing to
attend on such stated days of meeting, as may be fixed and
agreed on in the by-laws of such company ; Provided, that no
fines so imposed, shall exceed two dollars; and that such fines
shall betollected and paid over as other fines are directed to be
in this act.
Draft au-
thorized of
one-fifth of
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That there shall be made, when-
ever the governor shall issue his proclamation, a draught of
one-fifth of the whole number of the militia of this state, to
serve in case of need, for the term of three months within a
year, then next ensuing, or a draught of any less proportion of
the whole number of said militia that the governor shall fix to
make up one-fifth of the whole when joined to the uniform militia
companies that may have been volunteered to perform the said
tour of duty, and whose offer shall have been accepted by the
governor, and of the militia who shall be draughted or accepted
of riflemen
and cavalry.
under this act, there shall be at least one company furnished or
taken from each regiment of artillery, one company from each
battalion of infantry or riflemen and one company from each
regiment of cavalry.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That unless one uniform militia
company shall, within one month from the date of the gover-
nor's proclamation from each regiment of artillery, and from
each battalion of infantry and riflemen, and from each regiment
of cavalry, make to the governor of this state, an offer to per-