And whereas, sundry corps of artillery, riflemen, and caval-
ry, and light infantry, have been organized, uniformed, and
equipped in this state, and attached to the general militia, or
formed into separate and independent brigades, regiments, and
battalions, and squadrons ; therefore,
tion con-
SEC, 6. And be it enacted. That such corps may, and shall
respectively retain their present organization ; Provided, such
corps, or a majority of the members thereof, shall wish to do so,
they or their commanding officer shall so report on or before the
twentieth day of September next, to the adjutant-general's office,
Officers to
be appoint-
to be therein recorded, subject nevertheless, to such modifications
as may become necessary under the provisions of this act; and
the governor and council are hereby authorized to appoint and
commission the requisite officers to complete the organization of
any of said corps, or to supply any vacancies that may hereafter
other corps.
occur therein ; and also to organize uniform, companies, batta-
lions, squadrons, and regiments, of riflemen, cavalry, light in-
fantry, flying and heavy artillery, and to appoint and commis-
sion the requisite officers, when they shall deem the same neces-
sary or expedient, and when any of said corps shall have uni-
formed themselves, the governor and council are hereby autho-
Loan them
Bonds re-
rized to loan them the necessary arms and field pieces, for which
the officer commanding shall give his bond, with sufficient
security, conditioned for safe keeping and re-delivery thereof.
to join vo-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful
for any white male person, above the age of twenty-one years,
or between eighteen and twenty-one years of age with the con-
sent of his parents, guardian, master or mistress, to join any
uniformed militia company, willing to receive him as a member
thereof, whenever the same may be formed, or forming, in the
regimental, or extra battalion or squadron district or city in
which such person resides ; and whenever a number of men, not
less than forty-eight, if of infantry, riflemen, or artillery, nor less
than thirty-two if of cavalry, residing in the city of Baltimore or
within any regimental, extra battalion or squadron district, shall
And when
associate and form themselves into an uniform company, and
make return thereof to the commandant of any regiment, extra
battalion or squadron, if in said city, or if elsewhere, then to
the commandant of the regiment, extra battalion or squadron of
the district within which such association hath been formed ;
such commandant shall thereupon inspect or cause his adjutant
or any lieutenant under his command, to inspect the same; and
on its appearing to him that they have associated conformably
the officers.
to law, he shall certify the same to the governor and council,
who shall then appoint and commission such persons as may be
recommended by a majority of the members of such company,
to be officers thereof, provided the person designated, and the