quainted, he shall, for each offence, forfeit and pay the sum of
Penalty $5.
five dollars, to be recovered by the order and upon the certificate
of the said commanding officer, as other fines and forfeitures
are directed to be recovered by this act; and it shall be the duty
of every captain, or commanding officer of a company, to return
in the month of May, or as soon thereafter as possible, in every
Report to
of regiment
and adju-
year, to the commanding officer of the regiment or battalion to
which his company is attached, and also, to transmit, by mail,
to the office of the adjutant-general of this state, a correct en-
rollment of the persons residing within the bounds of said com-
pany, liable to do militia duty ; and upon his refusing or neglecting
to make either of said returns, within said month, in any year,
Penalty $50
for neglect.
he shall be subject to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, for each
offence, to be recovered as other fines are by this act directed to
be, upon the order and certificate of the officer to whom such
return should have been made, unless he shall make a reasona-
ble excuse, to be approved only by such officer ; and no free
white male citizen, of the age of eighteen, and under forty-five
years of age, shall be excused from militia duty on account of
of corporal
corporeal inability, unless he shall obtain from the surgeon, or
surgeon's mate, of the regiment or battalion to which he be-
longs, if any, or if none, then from such respectable physician
of the neighbourhood or county, as the captain or commanding
officer of the company shall name, to which he belongs, a cer-
tificate that he is not of sufficient ability to perform militia duty,
and the same be endorsed by said captain or commanding
officer, to exempt him from such duty; and it shall be the duty
shall report
annually to
Quota of
of the adjutant-general, annually, in the month of November,
or as soon thereafter as possible, to make out and transmit to
the president, or other proper officer of the United States go-
vernment, a complete return of the militia enrolled in this
state, and to obtain the quota of arms and accoutrements from
the said government, to which this state may be entitled.
And whereas, the militia of this state has heretofore been en-
rolled and arranged into divisions, brigades, regiments, batta-
and districts
lions, squadrons, and companies ; and the same were numbered
and recorded in the adjutant-general's office; and where con-
venient, each brigade hath been made, to consist of four regi-
ments ; each regiment, of two battalions or squadrons; each
battalion, of five companies ; each squadron, of two troops ; and
each company of infantry and riflemen, of sixty-four privates,
four sergeants, four corporals, one drummer, and one fifer or
bugler ; and each company of artillery, of sixty-four privates,
four sergeants, four corporals, six gunners, six bombardiers, one
drummer, and one fifer; and each troop of cavalry, of thirty-
two privates, one quarter-master sergeant, four sergeants, four