of Baltimore, annually hereafter, during the continuance of the
act of December session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one,
chapter two hundred and eighty-one, the several amounts by
the eighth section of said act, and the supplements thereto,
authorized to be levied on the assessable property of each of
said counties and said city, respectively, and the said levy
courts, commissioners, and mayor and city council, are hereby
absolutely required fully and in every respect to comply iti
future with the terms, conditions and requirements of the
eighth section of the aforesaid act, so long as the same shall
be and remain in force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall be, and it is hereby
made the duty of the levy court, or commissioners of the county,
or mayor and city council of each and every county and city of
this state, in which the said tax shall not heretofore have been
regularly and fully levied, to levy, when they shall respectively
next levy the annual taxes or county levy for the county or city
purposes of each of said respective counties and city, on the
Now levy
with inte-
assessable property within each county and said city, with inte-
rest respectively, the arrears of said tax now due by each of said
counties and said city respectively, agreeably to the provisions
of the aforesaid eighth section of the aforesaid act, and to pro-
vide for the collection and payment over of the same to the trea-
surer of the eastern or western shore, as the case may be, in the
same manner as is prescribed for in the eighth section of the
act aforesaid.
Return cer-
tificates of
SEC. 3. And be it enacted , That it shall be the duty of the
levy court or commissioners of the county, as the case may be,
of each and every county in this state, and of the mayor and
city council of Baltimore, to forward to the treasurer of the
western shore, within one month after they shall have respec-
tively levied the tax or dues aforesaid, a certificate that the same
has been duly levied, and placed in the hands of the proper
officer for collection.
Incase of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
treasurer of the western shore, and he is hereby authorized and
required, if there shall not have been received from the levy
court or commissioners of the county, as the case may be, of
each county in this state, or from the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, a certificate of the levy of said tax having been
made according to the provisions of this act, and of the eighth
section of the act of eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter
two hundred and eighty-one, entitled, an act relating to the
to deduct
from the
school fund
people of colour of this state, to deduct, on or before the first
day in December, in each and every year, from that portion of
the free school fund which may be payable to the county or city
authorities of any and each county or city which may have