constitution and laws of this state, for the election of delegates
to the house of delegates.
The time of holding elections in this state is altered to the first Wednes-
day in October, by 1837, ch. 118.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the judges of elections now
appointed, or hereafter to be appointed, under the corporation of
the city of Baltimore, in wards number —— , in said city, in
making the returns for representatives in congress, under this
act, shall designate therein, that the said wards at which they
presided as judges, are part of district number —— , as laid out
by law to choose a member to represent this state in the con-
gress of the United States.
Returns of
judges of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the mayor of the city of
Baltimore, for the time being, shall cause public notice to be
given of the elections for representatives in congress under this
act, in all the newspapers in the city of Baltimore, in the same
manner as provided for in any act or acts to which this act is
an additional supplement.
Public no-
tice, city of
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That if at any time hereafter a
special or extra session of congress should be called to com-
mence at such period as to make it necessary, in the opinion of
the governor and council, that the representatives in congress
from this state should be chosen before the time fixed by law
Case of ex-
tra session.
for such election, then it shall be the duty of the governor, by
proclamation, published in the newspapers throughout the
state, and otherwise, at least thirty days before the time to be
by procla-
appointed for the election by said proclamation, to appoint a
day for the election as aforesaid of said representatives in con-
gress; on which day said election shall accordingly be held, to
the same effect and in the same manner, and under the same
regulations as in case of elections of said representatives on the
days fixed by law.
Appoint a
day for
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the sheriffs of the several
counties of this state, respectively, under the penalty of fifty
dollars, at least three weeks previous to every election regulated
Sheriffs of
by this act, shall cause public notice to be given within their
respective counties, by advertisements set up at the most public
places within each election district of the county, of the time
and place of holding the election for members of congress
under this act, as well as all other elections as directed in the
act to which this is a supplement
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to which
this is a supplement, as may be found inconsistent with this
act, shall be, and is hereby repealed.
To give
notice of