Crownsville, Maryland.
Name Postoffice Term Expires.
Charles Pfeifer ..Baltimore 1933
Harry J. Hopkins Annapolis 1933
Dr. Walton H. Hopkins Annapolis 1929
William P. Gundry Catonsville 1929
William L. Marbury .. Baltimore City 1931
Sam W. Pattison .. Baltimore City 1931
Superintendent Dr. Robert P. Winterode.
Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints six, two hi-en
nially for a term of six years from the first day in May. Governor,
Comptroller and Treasurer are ex-officio members of this Board. (Ch.
250, 1910.)
For admission of city patients applications should be made through
Mr. Nathaniel G. Grasty, Secretary, Supervisors of City Charities,
Court House, Baltimore, Md.
For admission of county patients application should be made
through the County Commissioners of the county in which patient is
a resident and on th certificates of two registered physicians who have
practiced five years or more.
State appropriation, $100.00 per patient each year.
The Board of Managers have absolute control of the hospital and
its management, the acquisition of all property, construction of new
building, the care and treatment of patients, as pertains to matters
of both executive and medical characters.
Institution at Owings Mills, Baltimore County.
Name. Postoffice.
Julius H. Wyman - Baltimore City
Henry S. King, President Baltimore City
Lemuel T. Appold ....Baltimore City
Dr. W. P. E. Wyse Pikesville
Norman Stump Stevenson
Benjamin Bissell Bel Air
Dr. Milton P. Hill Arlington
Dr. John T. O’Mara Baltimore City
C. Lyon Rogers, Jr . ....._Mt. Wilson
Thomas J. Ewell - * Baltimore
Dr. William D. Corse - Gardenville
Harry M. Benzinger ..Baltimore
Robert Garrett Baltimore
Wm. W. Wyatt Reisterstown
Ron. John S. McDaniel Trappe
Miss Eleanor M. Johnson Frederick
Dr. Walter Wickes Brooklandville
Dr. Frank W. Keating, Superintendent.
Board consists of seventeen members. Governor appoints to fill
vacancies only. (Ci. 183, 1888.)
This institution receives, trains and cares for the feeble-minded of
the State. For full particulars address the Superintendent at the In