Catonsville, Baltimore County.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
Robert W. Thomas Centreville .. 1929
R. Howard Bland Catonsville 1929
Thornton Rollins Baltimore 1929
G. Clem Goodrich Catonsville 1931
G. Herbert Rice Catonsville 1931
Howard Bryant ....Baltimore 1931
Gordon T. Atkinson, M. D .....Crisfield 1933
J. Charles Macgill, M D .. ..Catonsville 1933
Martin Lehmayer - Baltimore 1933
The Governor, with consent of the Senate, appoints nine; three bi
annually, for a term of six years, from the first Monday in May.
(Bagby Code, Art. 44, Sec. 1.)
Patients are received from the counties and Baltimore City, at the
rate of $125.00 per year. Admission is obtained through an order of
the County Commissioners, Supervisors of City Charities, or the Cir
cuit Court. Communications should be addressed to Howard Bryant,
Secretary, Lexington Building, Baltimore.
* Due to Constitutional Amendment of 1922, appointments made In 1924 were for
a term of five years.
Cambridge, Md.
Ex-Officio Members:
Name. Postoffice.
Governor Albert C. Ritchie - - - Baltimore
Treasurer John M. Dennis Riderwood
Comptroller Wm. S. Gordy, Jr Salisbury
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Nelson H. Fooks 1933 Preston
Charles L. Dodd 1933 Chestertown
Orlando Harrison1933 Berlin
Jesse D. Price 1929 Salisbury
W. 0. Winterbottom1929 Cambridge
Harry A. Cantwell1929 Northeast
3. Ramsey Speer 1931 Trappe
Lewis M. Milbourne1931 .. Kingston
James T. Knotts 1931 Centreville
Superintendent, Dr. Charles J Carey.
The Board of Managers consists of the Governor, Comptroller,
Treasurer, and nine others appointed in the Act. one from each of the
counties of the Eastern Shore. Terms, three for two years, three for
four years, and three for six years, and as these terms expire the Gov
ernor appoints successors for a term of six years. Ch. 189, 1912.)’
* Due to Constitutional Amendment of 1922, appointments made in 1924 were
for a term of five years.