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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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APPENDIX.        225

    And whereas also I did constitute and appoint
my dear wife to be executrix of my said will,
now I do by this codicil will and direct that
my said wife shall not be executrix of my said
will, and do hereby revoke my appointment of
her as such, and in her room and stead do hereby
constitute and appoint my friend I. B. of
           to be sole executor of my said will,
as fully and effectually as if he, and no other
person had been originally, in and by my said
will, constituted and appointed executor thereof.


Revocation of
executors appointment;
and instituting

    In testimony whereof I have hereto set my
hand and affixed my seal, this            day of
                    anno domini

                                                    A. B.

    Signed, sealed, published and
declared by A. B. the above named
testator, as and for a codicil
to his last will and testament, in
the presence of us, who at his request,
and in his presence, have
subscribed out names as witnesses
                                                    D. E.
                                                    E. F.
                                                    F. G.

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Deputy Commissary's Guide within the Province of Maryland, 1774
Volume 139, Page 225   View pdf image (33K)
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