in writing, bearing date the
which said last will and testament, and every
clause, bequest and devise therein contained, I
do hereby ratify and confirm, (save and except
such clauses, bequests and devises therein mentioned
as are by me herein after revoked, and
made void) and being desirous to alter some
parts thereof, and of making additions thereto,
do therefore hereby make this my codicil,
which I will and direct shall be taken and held
as part of my said last will and testament, in
manner and form following, that is to say.
First legatee
dying without
heirs. |
Whereas since the making of my said will,
my eldest son A. is dead without heirs, now I
hereby give and devise to my second son B. the
plantation called Pleasant-Hill, devised to my
said son A. in and by my said last will and
testament, to him my said son B. and his heirs,
in fee simple.
New legacy. |
Item,--I give and bequeath unto H. of F.
county the sum of £. 100 current money.
Revocation of
a legacy, and
a less sum. |
And whereas by my said will I did give and
bequeath unto E. F. of Harford county, the
sum of £. 1000 current money, now I do hereby
revoke the said legacy, and do give unto
him the said E. F. the sum of £. 500 in lieu
thereof, and no more. |