claim unto B. C. of
his guardian,
all and all manner of action and actions, suits,
reckonings, accounts, debts, dues, and demands
whatsoever, which he the said A. B.
ever had, now hath, or which he, his executors
or administrators, at any time hereafter can
or may have, claim or demand against the said
B. C. his executors or administrators, for, or
touching or concerning the management and
disposition of any of the lands, tenements, or
hereditaments of the said A. B. situate
or any part thereof, or for or by reason of
any part thereof, or for or by reason of any
money, rents or profits by him received out of
the same, or any payments made thereof during
the minority of the said A. B. or by reason of
any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from
the beginning of the world to the day of the
date hereof.--In witness whereof the said A.
B. hath hereto set his hand and affixed his seal
day of