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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 84   View pdf image (33K)
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michigan (Population: 1950—6,371,766; 1960—7,832,194)
1964 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 3,159,990.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 162,800.
(Based upon 8% of 1960 gubernatorial vote: 3,255,991.)
Referred law eliminating for 795,546
the straight party ticket. against 1,515,875
majority 720,329 against
total vote 2,311,421
missouri (Population: 1950—3,954,653; 1960—4,319,813)
1958 Required Number of Petition Signatures: 90,417.
(Based upon 5% of 1956 gubernatorial vote: 1,808,338.)
Initiated measure to per- for 287,931
mit banking' institutions against 677,539
to open branches under ______
certain conditions. majority 389,608 against
total vote 965,470
montana (No statewide questions initiated or referred by petition since 1956.)
nebraska (Population: 1950—1,325,510; 1960—1,411,330)
1956 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 567,933.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 29,039.
(Based upon 7% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 414,841.)
Initiated act to provide for 241,128
for a highway use tax against 311,528
based on weight and dis- ______
tance on all commercial majority 70,400 against
total vote 552,656
nevada (Population: 1950—160,083; 1960—285,278)
1956 Total Presidential Vote: 96,689.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 7,846.
(Based upon 10% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 78,462.)
Initiated measure relating for 34,846
to school financing. against 38,166
majority 4,320 against
total vote 72,012
Initiated proposal repeal- for 42,337
ing the Right to Work against 49,585
Law. ______
majority 7,248 against
total vote 91,922
Referred measure to re- for 60,685
peal certain sales and use against 27,501
taxes. ______
majority 33,184 for
total vote 88,186

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 84   View pdf image (33K)
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