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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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idaho (Population: 1950—588,636; 1960—667,191)
1958 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 239,046.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 22,868.
(Based upon 10% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 228,685.)
Initiated measure on the for 118,718
right to employment re- against 121,790
gardless of union member- ______
P- majority 3,072 against
total vote 240,508
maine (No statewide questions initiated or referred by petition since 1956.)
massachusetts (Population: 1950—4,690,514; 1960—5,148,578)
1958 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 1,899,117.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 70,196.
(Based upon 3% of 1956 gubernatorial vote: 2,339,884.)
Initiated law limiting for 1,011,028
past public employees' against 403,519
pensions. (The pension ______
was to supplement cur- majority 607,509 for
rent income up to the , ««,.,-
amount of prior income total vote 1,414,547
as a public employee.)
1960 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 2,417,133.
Increase compensation for 276,091
for members of the legis- against 1,339,234
lature. ______
majority 1,063,143 against
total vote 1,615.325
Graduated income tax. for 277,611
against 1,395,966
majority 1,118,355 against
total vote 1,673,607
1965 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 2,339,864.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 71,653.
(Based upon 3% of 1964 gubernatorial vote: 2,388,430.)
Initiated measure provid- for 1,133,624
ing that the appoint- against 589,219
ments of the governor ______
will not require the con- majority 544,405 for
sent of the Governor's ,-„„„..„
Council. total Vote 1,722,843
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 47,769.
(Based upon 2% of 1964 gubernatorial vote: 2,388,430.)
Referred law relating to for 625,194
compensation to the against 1,059,352
members of legislature. ______
majority 434,158 against
total vote 1,484,546

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 83   View pdf image (33K)
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