Total Gubernatorial Vote: 290,465.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 28,859.
(Based upon 10% of 1956 gubernatorial vote: 288,592.)
Initiated proposal chang- for 141,360
ing the name of Arizona against 74,382
State College to Arizona
State University. majority 66,978 for
total vote 215,742
Initiated act providing for 73,215
for a merit system for against 115,530
municipal, county, and
state employees. majority 42,315 against
total vote 188,745
Total Gubernatorial Vote: 365,841.
Required Number of Petition Signatures : 39,7 1 1 .
(Based upon 10% of 1960 gubernatorial vote: 397,107.)
Initiated proposal creat- for 88,955
ing the Arizona Board of against 164,241
Appraisal Standards.
majority 75,286 against
total vote 253,196
Total Gubernatorial Vote: 473,502.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 36,584.
(Based upon 10% of 1962 gubernatorial vote: 365,841.)
Initiated act relating to for 199,650
elimination of feather- against 178,762
hpdding practices in rail-
roads, majority 20,888 for
total vote 278,412
arkansas (Population: 1950— 1,909,511 ; 1960— 1,786,272)
Total Gubernatorial Vote: 399,012.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 26, 814.
( Based upon 8% of 1 954 gubernatorial vote : 335, 1 7 6. )
Initiated measure to in- for 85,335
crease Workman's Com- against 31,679
pensation Benefits.
majority 53,656 for
total vote 117,014
Initiated law relating to for 72,885
school pupil assignment. against 38,309
majority 34,576 for
total vote 111,194