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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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statewide questions submitted in the united states
Listed below by states are questions presented to the electorate by initiative or referendum
petitions from the years 1956 through 1964. In all probability this list does not contain all
questions that were submitted in the various states by such petitions. In most cases questions
were taken from copies of election ballots. Very often the ballot would not indicate whether
the question was originated by the legislature or by the initiative power; also it would not indi-
cate whether a referred question was rereffered by legislative proviso or by referendum petition.
In some cases the only source of information was newspaper clippings, and newspapers would
tend to discuss only the more controversial questions and not mention others.
Constitutional amendments generally are not included in this list since they are often sub-
mitted in accordance with a specific provision on amending the state constitution, which differs
significantly from initiative and referendum provisions. Questions submitted in Maryland are
not included in this list, but are presented elsewhere in this paper.
alaska (Population! 1960—226,167)
1958 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 48,968.
Shall Alaska immediately for 40,452
be admitted to the Union against 8 010
as a State?
majority 32,442 for
total vote 48,462
Shall Alaska accept the for 40,221
boundaries determined by against 7 766
Congress ? ______
majority 32,655 for
total vote 48,187
Shall the State accept all for 40,739
the provisions of the Act against 7,500
of Congress admitting ______
Alaska? majority 33,239 for
total vote 48,239
1962 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 56,681.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 4,897.
(Based upon 10% of total number of persons who
voted in last general election: 48,968.)
Initiated proposal to move for 26,542
the location of the State against 32,325
Capital. ——————
majority 5,783 against
total vote 58,867
arizona (Population: 1950—749,587; 1960—1,302,161)
1956 Total Gubernatorial Vote: 288,592.
Required Number of Petition Signatures: 24,397.
(Based upon 10% of 1954 gubernatorial vote: 243,970.)
Initiated proposal relat- for 150,178
ing to premarital exam- against 27,932
inations and licenses. ——————
majority 122,246 for
total vote 178,110

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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 78   View pdf image (33K)
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