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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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one of whom shall be designated by the
Governor, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, as the Chief
Judge: and in all cases, until action
by the Senate can be had, the Judge so
designated by the Governor, shall act as
Chief Judge. The Judge of the Court
of Appeals from the City of Baltimore
shall be elected by the qualified voters
of said City, at the election of Judges
to be held therein, as hereinbefore pro-
vided; and in addition to his duties,
as Judge of the Court of Appeals, shall
perform such other duties as the General
Assembly shall prescribe. The juris-
diction of said Court of Appeals shall
be co-extensive with the limits of the
State, and such as now is, or may here-
after be prescribed by Law. It shall hold
its sessions in the city of Annapolis, on
the first Monday in April, and the first
Monday in October, of each and every
year, or at such other times as the Gen-
eral Assembly may, by Law, direct. Its
sessions shall continue not less than ten
months in the year, if the business before
it shall so require; and it shall be com-
petent for the Judges, temporarily, to
transfer their sittings elsewhere, upon
sufficient cause. Sec. 15. Four of said Judges shall
constitute a quorum; no cause shall be
decided without the concurrence of at
least three; but the Judge who heard the
cause below, shall not participate in the
decision; in every case an opinion, in
writing, shall be filed within three
months after the argument, or submis-
sion of the cause; and the judgment of
the Court shall be final and conclusive;
and all cases shall stand for hearing at
the first term after the transmission of
the Record. Sec. 16. Provision shall be made by
Law for publishing Reports of all causes,
argued and determined in the Court

of Appeals, which the Judges shall desig-
nate as proper for publication. Sec. 17. There shall be a Clerk of
the Court of Appeals, who shall be
elected by the legal and qualified voters
of the State, who shall hold his office
for six years, and until his successor is
duly qualified; he shall be subject to
removal by the said Court for incom-
petency, neglect of duty, misdemeanor in
office, or such other cause, or causes, as
may be prescribed by Law; and in case
of a vacancy in the office of said Clerk,
the Court of Appeals shall appoint a
Clerk of said Court, who shall hold his
office until the election and qualification
of his successor, who shall be elected at
the next general election for members
of the General Assembly; and the person,
so elected, shall hold his office for the
term of six years from the time of
election. Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the
Judges of the Court of Appeals, as soon
after their election, under this Constitu-
tion, as practicable, to make and publish
rules and regulations for the prosecution
of appeals to said appellate court,
whereby they shall prescribe the periods
within which appeals may be taken, what
part or parts of the proceedings in the
Court below shall constitute the record
on appeal, and the manner in which
such appeals shall be brought to hearing
or determination, and shall regulate,
generally, the practice of said Court of
Appeals, so as to prevent delays, and
promote brevity in all records and pro-
ceedings brought into said Court, and to
abolish and avoid all unnecessary costs
and expenses in the prosecution of
appeals therein ; and the said Judges shall
make such reductions in the fees and
expenses of the said Court, as they may
deem advisable. It shall also be the
duty of said Judges of the Court of


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 532   View pdf image (33K)
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