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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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fications of existing Law as may be
necessary to regulate and give force to
this provision. Sec. 9. The Judge, or Judges of any
Court, may appoint such officers for
their respective Courts as may be found
necessary; and such officers of the Courts
in the City of Baltimore shall be
appointed by the Judges of the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City. It shall be the
duty of the General Assembly to pre-
scribe, by Law, a fixed compensation
for all such officers; and said Judge, or
Judges shall, from time to time, inves-
tigate the expenses, costs and charges of
their respective courts, with a view to a
change or reduction thereof, and report
the result of such investigation to the
General Assembly for its action. Sec. 10. The Clerks of the several
Courts, created, or continued by this
Constitution, shall have charge and
custody of the records and other papers,
shall perform all the duties, and be
allowed the fees, which appertain to
their several offices, as the same now are,
or may hereafter be regulated by Law.
And the office and business of said Clerks,
in all their departments, shall be subject
to the visitorial power of the Judges of
their respective Courts, who shall exercise
the same, from time to time, so as to
insure the faithful performance of the
duties of said offices; and it shall be
the duty of the Judges of said Courts
respectively, to make, from time to time,,
such rules and regulations as may be
necessary and proper for the government
of said Clerks, and for the performance
of the duties of their offices, which shall
have the force of Law until repealed,
or modified by the General Assembly. Sec. 11. The election for Judges,
hereinbefore provided, and all elections
for Clerks, Registers of Wills, and other

officers, provided in this Constitution,
except State's Attorneys, shall be certi-
fied, and the returns made, by the Clerks
of the Circuit Courts of the Counties,
and the Clerk of the Superior Court of
Baltimore city, respectively, to the Gov-
ernor, who shall issue commissions to
the different persons for the offices to
which they shall have been, respectively,
elected; and in all such elections, the
person having the greatest number of
votes", .""shall be declared to be elected. Sec. 12/ If in any case of election for
Judges, Clerks of the Courts of Law, and
Registers of Wills, the opposing candi-
dates shall have an equal number of
votes, it shall be the duty of the Gover-
nor to order a new election; and in case
of any contested election, the Governor
shall send the returns to the House of
Delegates, which shall judge of the
election and qualification of the candi-
dates at such election; and if the judg-
ment shall be against the one who has
been returned elected, or the one who
has been commissioned by the Governor,
the House of Delegates shall order a
new election within thirty days.
Sec* 13. All Public Commissions and
Grants shall run thus: "The State of
Maryland, &c.," and shall be signed by
the Governor, with the Seal of the State
annexed; all writs and process shall run
in the same style, and be tested, sealed
and signed, as heretofore, or as may
hereafter be, provided by Law; and all
indictments shall conclude, "against the
peace, government and dignity of the
Sec. 14. The Court of Appeals shall
be composed of the Chief Judges of the
first seven of the several Judicial Circuits
of the State, and a Judge from the City
of Baltimore specially elected thereto,


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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