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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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For extending the time for the collection
of taxes; granting divorces; changing
the name of any person; providing for
the sale of real estate, belonging to
minors, or other persons laboring under
legal disabilities, by executors, adminis-
trators, guardians or trustees; giving
effect to informal, or invalid deeds or
wills; refunding money paid into the
State Treasury, or releasing persons from
their debts, or obligations to the State,
unless recommended by the Governor,
or officers of the Treasury Department.
And the General Assembly shall pass
no special Law, for any case, for which
provision has been made, by an existing
General Law. The General Assembly,
at its first session after the adoption of
this Constitution, shall pass General
Laws, providing for the cases enumerated
in this section, which are not already
adequately provided for, and for all
other cases, where a General Law can be
made applicable.
Sec. 34. No debt shall be hereafter
contracted by the General Assembly,
unless such debt shall be authorized by
a Law, providing for the collection of an
annual tax, or taxes, sufficient to pay the
interest on such debt, as it falls due; and
also, to discharge the principal thereof,
within fifteen years from the time of
contracting the same; and the taxes,
laid for this purpose, shall not be
repealed, or applied to any other object,
until the said debt, and interest thereon,
shall be fully discharged. The credit
of the State shall not in any manner be
given, or loaned to, or in aid of any
individual, association, or corporation;
nor shall the General Assembly have the
power, in any mode, to involve the State
in the construction of Works of Internal
Improvement, nor in granting any aid
thereto, which shall involve the faith,
or credit of the State; nor make any
appropriation therefor, except in aid of

the construction of Works of Internal
Improvement, in the counties of Saint
Mary's, Charles and Calvert, which have
had no direct advantage, from such
Works, as have been heretofore aided
by the State; and provided, that such
aid, advances, or appropriations shall
not exceed in the aggregate the sum of
five hundred thousand dollars. And
they shall not use, or appropriate the
proceeds of the Internal Improve-
ment Companies, or of the State tax,
now levied, or which may hereafter be
levied, to pay off the public debt, to any
other purpose until the interest and
debt are fully paid, or the sinking fund
shall be equal to the amount of the
outstanding debt; but the General
Assembly may, without laying a tax,
borrow an amount never to exceed fifty
thousand dollars, to meet temporary
deficiences in the Treasury, and may
contract debts to any amount that may
be necessary for the defence of the State. Sec. 35. No extra compensation shall
be granted, or allowed, by the General
Assembly, to any Public Officer, Agent,
Servant or Contractor, after the service
shall have been rendered, or the contract
entered into; nor shall the salary, or
compensation of any public officer be
increased, or diminished during his term
of office. Sec. 36. No Lottery grant shall ever
hereafter be authorized by the General
Assembly. Sec. 37. The General Assembly shall
pass no Law providing for payment, by
this State, for Slaves emancipated from
servitude in this State; but they shall
adopt such measures, as they may deem
expedient, to obtain from the United
States, compensation for such Slaves,
and to receive, and distribute the same,
equitably, to the persons entitled.


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 526   View pdf image (33K)
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