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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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and be altered, amended, or rejected by
the other; but no bill shall originate in
either House during the last ten days of
the session, unless two-thirds of the
members elected thereto shall so deter-
mine by yeas and nays; nor shall any bill
become a Law, until it be read on three
different days of the session in each
House, unless two-thirds of the mem-
bers elected to the House, where such
bill is pending, shall so determine by
yeas and nays; and no bill shall be read
a third time until it shall have been
actually engrossed for a third reading. Sec. 28. No bill shall become a Law
unless it be passed in each House by a
majority of the whole number of mem-
bers elected, and on its final passage, the
yeas and nays be recorded; nor shall any
Resolution, requiring the action of both
Houses, be passed except in the same
manner. Sec. 29. The style of all Laws of this
State shall be, "Be it enacted by the
General Assembly of Maryland:" and all
Laws shall be passed by original bill; and
every Law enacted by the General
Assembly shall embrace but one sub-
ject, and that shall be described in its
title; and no Law, nor section of Law,
shall be revived, or amended by refer-
ence to its title, or section only; nor shall
any Law be construed by reason of its
title, to grant powers, or confer rights
which are not expressly contained in the
body of the Act; and it shall be the duty
of the General Assembly, in amending
any article, or section of the Code of
Laws of this State, to enact the same, as
the said article, or section would read
when amended. And whenever the
General Assembly shall enact any Public
General Law, not amendatory of any
section, or article in the said Code, it
shall be the duty of the General Assembly
to enact the same, in articles and

sections, in the same manner, as the Code
is arranged^ and to provide for the
publication of all additions and altera-
tions, which may be made to the said
Code. Sec. 30. Every bill, when passed by
the General Assembly, and sealed with
the Great Seal, shall be presented to the
Governor, who, if he approves it, shall
sign the same in the presence of the
presiding officers and Chief Clerks of the
Senate and House of Delegates. Every
Law shall be recorded in the office of
the Court of Appeals, and in due time,
be printed, published and certified under
the Great Seal, to the several Courts, in
the same manner as has been heretofore
usual in this State. Sec. 31. No Law passed by the
General Assembly shall take effect, until
the first day of June, next after the
Session, at which it may be passed, unless
it be otherwise expressly declared therein. Sec. 32. No money shall be drawn
from the Treasury of the State, by any
order or resolution, nor except in accord-
ance with an appropriation by Law, and
every such Law shall distinctly specify
the sum appropriated, and the object, to
which it shall be applied; provided, that
nothing herein contained shall prevent
the General Assembly from placing a
contingent fund at the disposal of the
Executive, who shall report to the
General Assembly, at each Session, the
amount expended, and the purposes to
which it was applied. An accurate
statement of the receipts and expendi-
tures of the public money, shall be
attached to, and published with the
Laws, after each regular Session of the
General Assembly. Sec. 33. The General Assembly shall
not pass local, or special Laws, in any
of the following enumerated cases, viz:


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 525   View pdf image (33K)
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