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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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counties into townships or permanent
municipal corporations in place of the
existing election districts prescribing
their limits and confiding to them all
powers necessary for the management
of their public local concerns; and
whenever the organization of these
township corporations shall be per-
fected, all officers provided for in this

Constitution^ but whose official functions
shall have been superseded by such
organizations shall be dispensed with,
and the affairs of such townships and
of the counties as affected by the action
of such townships shall be transacted
in such manner as the General Assem-
bly shall direct.


Section 1. The General Assembly may
propose any amendment or amendments
to this Constitution which shall be
agreed to by three-fifths of all the
members elected to both Houses. Such
proposed amendment or amendments
with the yeas and nays thereon, shall be
entered on the Journal of each House;
shall be printed with the laws passed
at the same session, and shall be pub-
lished by order of the Governor, in all
the newspapers printed in the different
counties of this State, and in three
newspapers printed in the city of Balti-
more, (one of which shall be printed in
the German language,) for at least
three months preceding the next election
for members of the General Assembly, at
which election the said proposed amend-
ment or amendments shall be submitted
to the qualified electors of the State for
their confirmation or rejection; and if it
shall appear to the satisfaction of the
Governor, from the returns of the said
election made to him by the proper
authorities, that a majority of the
qualified votes cast at said election on
the proposed amendment or amend-
ments, were in favor of the said proposed
amendment or amendments, he shall,
by proclamation, declare said amend-
ment or amendments to be part of the
Constitution of this State. When two or
more amendments shall be submitted by

the General Assembly to the qualified
electors of the State at the same election,
they shall be so submitted that the elec-
tors may vote for or against each amend-
ment separately. Sec. 2. Whenever two-thirds of the
members elected to each branch of the
General Assembly shall think it neces-
sary to call a Convention to revise,
amend or change this Constitution, they
shall recommend to the electors to vote
at the next election for members of the
General Assembly for or against a Con-
vention; and if a majority of all the
electors voting at said election shall
have voted for a Convention, the
General Assembly shall, at their next
session, provide by law for calling the
The Convention shall consist of as
many members as both Houses of the
General Assembly, who shall be chosen
in the same manner, and shall meet
within three months after their election
for the purpose aforesaid. Sec. 3. At the general election to be
held in the year one thousand eight
hundred and eighty-two, and in each
twentieth year thereafter, the question
"Shall there be a Convention to revise,
alter or amend the Constitution," shall
be submitted to the electors of the State;


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 479   View pdf image (33K)
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