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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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interest until such time as said fund
shall, by its own increase and any
additions which may be made to it from
time to time, together with the present
school fund, amount to six millions of
dollars, when the tax of ten cents in the
hundred dollars, authorized by the
preceding section, may be discontinued

in whole or in part, as the General
Assembly may direct; the principal fund
of six millions hereby provided, shall
remain forever inviolate as the Free
Public School fund of the State, and the
annual interest of said school fund shall
be disbursed for educational purposes
only, as may be prescribed by law.


Section 1. The Militia shall be
composed of all able bodied male citizens,
residents of this State, being eighteen
years of age, and under the age of forty-
five years, who shall be enrolled in the
militia, and perform military duty in
such manner, not incompatible with the
Constitution and laws of the United
States, as may be prescribed by the
General Assembly of Maryland, but
persons whose religions opinions and
conscientious scruples forbid them to
bear arms, shall be relieved from doing
so on producing to the proper author-
ities satisfactory proof that they are
thus conscientious. Sec. 2. The General Assembly shall
provide at its first session after the
adoption of this Constitution, and from
time to time thereafter, as the exigency
may require, for organizing, equipping

and disciplining the militia in such
manner, not incompatible with the laws
of the United States as shall be most
effective to repel invasion and suppress
insurrection, and shall pass such laws
as shall promote the formation of
Volunteer Militia Associations in the
city of Baltimore and in every county,
and to secure them such privileges or
assistance as may afford them effectual
encouragement. Sec. 3. There shall be an Adjutant
General, who shall be appointed by the
Governor, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate. He shall hold
his office at the pleasure of the Gover-
nor; shall perform such duties, and
shall receive such compensation or
emoluments as are now or may be here-
after fixed by law.


Section 1. The General Assembly may
provide for organizing new counties,
locating and removing county seats and
changing county lines, but no new county
shall be organized without the consent
of a majority of the legal voters residing
within the limits about to form said
county, nor shall the lines of any county
be changed without the consent of a
majority of the legal voters residing

within the limits of the lines proposed
to be changed, nor shall any new county
contain less than four hundred square
miles nor less than ten thousand white
inhabitants nor shall any county be
reduced below that amount of square
miles, nor below that number of white
Sec. 2. The General Assembly shall
provide by general law for dividing the


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 478   View pdf image (33K)
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