Quartermaster General:
Brigadier General Milton A. Reckord..............................Bel Air
Assistant to the Quartermaster General:
Captain William A. Renehan..............................................................Baltimore
NOTE—All official correspondence and telegrams in con-
nection with the military establishment of the State should
be addressed to The Commanding General, Maryland Na-
tional Guard, Annapolis, Md. That which is intended for
the Quartermaster General's Department should be addressed
"The Quartermaster General, State of Maryland, Fifth Regi-
ment Armory, Baltimore, Md."
Section 2, Article IX, of the Constitution provides: "There shall
be an Adjutant General, appointed by the Governor, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate. He shall hold his office until the
appointment and qualification of his successor, or until removed in
pursuance of the sentence of a court martial. He shall perform such
duties and receive such compensation or emoluments as are now or
may be prescribed by law. He shall discharge the duties of his office
at the seat of government, unless absent under orders, on duty."
Article 65, Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, provides
that the Ranking Line Officer shall be in control of the military de-
partment of the State, and subordinate only to the Governor in matters
pertaining to that department. He performs such duties as pertain
to his office, and the other chiefs of staff departments and corps under
the regulations and customs of the United States Army. He super-
intends the preparation and publication of all official forms required
for use in the military service of the State; the reports and returns
required by the United States; keeps a register of all commissioned
officers and the record of enlisted men. He is likewise the custodian of
all State and Federal property in use by the organized militia; he is
also in control of State appropriations for the maintenance of the or-
ganized militia (land and navel forces); apportions such appropria-
tions and provides for the proper application of funds so as to insure
a uniform and consistent disbursement for the progressive benefit of
the military establishment of the State.
He also promulgates to the organized militia the orders of the Gov-
ernor as Commander-in-Chief and provides from time to time appro-
priate regulations for the government, discipline and maintenance of
the military establishment; he also publishes and provides for observ-
ance of all federal laws and regulations applicable to the militia of the
He is the official channel for communication with the War and
Navy Departments on all matters and affairs relating to the federal
government's interest in the militia of the State.
He is charged with the care, control and maintenance of all arm-
ories owned by the State of Maryland, and all buildings or other prop-
erty purchased, occupied, leased or rented by or in behalf of the State
military forces, which may now or shall hereafter be authorized by
law and has all the power and authority necessary or desirable for the
purpose aforesaid and with the right to make and enforce all reasonable
rules and regulations.
In matters pertaining to the military establishment of the State or
the military relations of the State with the United .States, communi-
cations should be addressed to The Commanding General, Maryland
National Guard, Annapolis.