worth of young timber. For this purpose there is a well established
system of lockout stations, and of patrol in conjunction with the U. S.
Government, About 175 men are distributed throughout the State,
who are constantly upon the watch to discover and extinguish fires;
giving particular attention during the danger seasons in spring and
fall. The laws against setting out fires are very strict. The State and
the county divide the expense of extinguishing fires.
By a recent law the Department of Forestry is directed to care for
"roadside trees" or those growing within the right-of-way of any
public highway in the State, and no tree can be cut or trimmed by a
corporation or individual without a permit from a Forest Warden,
after application to the State Forester. The same Act makes it illegal
to post commercial advertising signs on trees, or along highways, and
citizens are empowered and Forest Wardens directed to remove them.
A State forest nursery, established in 1914, furnishes trees at cost,
forest planting and for planting along roadsides.
Name. Postoffice.
Edward B. Mathews, Director................................................................................Baltimore
James H. Spencer, Meteorologist...........................................................................Baltimore
W. T. L. Taliaferro, Sec. and Treas............................................................College Park
Upon the recommendation of the Regents of the University of Mary-
land the Governor commissions a Director, a Meteorologist and a Sec-
retary and Treasurer of the State Weather Service for a term of two
years from the first Monday in May. Ch. 29, 1922.
Adjutant General's Office, Annapolis.
Baltimore Office, Maryland Trust Building.
Name. Postoffice.
The Commanding General (also the Adjutant General):
Brigadier General Milton A. Reckord............................Bel Air
Chief Clerk:
Benjamin C. Gott...........................................................................................Annapolis
Head Account Clerk:
J. Milton Griffith................................................................................................ Baltimore
Assistant Chief Clerk;
E. Leslie Medford...........................................................Annapolis
Stenographer :
Miss Elizabeth L. Gott...............................................................Annapolis