money out of the Free School Fund of said county towards
building school houses, and for other purposes.
No. 326. An act repealing the charter of the Onion Rosine
Association of Baltimore city and authorizing the transfer of
all its rights, immunities and property to the Maryland In-
dustrial School for Girls.
No. 327. An act to provide for taking the sense of the
people of this State on the call of a Convention to frame a
new Constitution and form of government, and for assembling
the members thereof.
No. 328. An act to to appropriate a sum of money to pay
Edward W. Carriden for publishing the laws of January
session, 1865.
No. 329. An act to provide for the selection, drawing and
summoning of juries in the several counties and prescribing
their qualifications..
No. 330. An act to incorporate the Elkton and Massey's
Cross Roads Railway Company.
No. 331. An act to incorporate the Ridge Passenger Rail-
way Company.
No. 332. An act to authorize and require the County
Commissioners of Allegany county to levy an additional school
tax as provided for in section 5 of the 8th article of the Con-
stitution of this State.
No. 333. An act to incorporate the Baltimore Marine Sec-
tional Docket Company.
No. 334. An act to declare the sanction of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the bequest of Margaret Julia
Newman, late of Queen Anne's county, deceased, to the
Methodist Episcopal Church in said county.
No. 335. An act to repeal an act entitled, an act to pre-
vent the sale of spiritous or fermented liquors on or near the
line of the Washington county Railroad during the time of
its construction.
No. 336. An act to repeal the act of 1865, chapter 174,
entitled an act relating to the registration of the voters of the
State, and to enact other provisions relative to the regis-
tration of voters in lieu thereof.
No. 337. An act to repeal article 63 Code of Public
General laws relating to Militia, and sections 652 to 770,
both inclusive, of article 4 Code of Public Local Laws re-
lating to Militia in the city of Baltimore, and to re-enact said
article 63, with amendments.