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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 5223   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 298. An act to incorporate the Frederick and Penn-
sylvania Line Railroad Company.

No. 299. An act to incorporate the Monumental Hotel

No. 300. An act to grant the sanction of the General As-
sembly to the bequest of Mary Hunt of Baltimore county to
the trustees of West Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church of
said county.

No. 301. An act to incorporate the Carroll Lumber Com-
pany for the purpose of manufacturing, vending, and dealing
in all kinds of lumber.

No. 302. An act making appropriations for the support of
the Government for the year ending on the first day of Jan-
uary, 1868.

No. 303. An act to revive and extend an act to incorporate
the Worcester Railroad Company, passed at the January
session 1853, with amendments.

No. 304. An act to incorporate the Central Maryland
Railroad Company.

No. 305. An act to authorize Grayson Eichelberger, State
Bounty Commissioner for Frederick county, to pay Lewis F.
Deitrick, administrator of William H. Bowman certain

No. 306. An act to release the surety on the bond of Wil-
liam Henry Waltemeyer.

No. 307. An act to incorporate and to make a turnpike
road from the town of Leitersburg to the town of Smithsburg
in Washington county.

No. 308. An act to make valid the official acts of Justices
of the Peace appointed by Governor Bradford during the
month of December, 1865, and January 1866.

No. 309. An act to incorporate the North Branch Com-

No. 310. An act to incorporate the Home Fire Insurance
Company of Baltimore.

No. 311. An act to change the name of John Frances
Stack, of Caroline county, to John Rambold Stack.

No. 312. An act to enable the trustees of Middletown
Academy to transfer by deed the said, building and grounds
to the Board of School Commissioners of Frederick county.

No. 213. An act to incorporate the "Big Hunting Creek


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 5223   View pdf image (33K)
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