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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 5222   View pdf image (33K)
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of Public General Laws entitled "sureties," an additional
section providing for the better protection of the same.

No. 285. An act to incorporate Cecil Lodge No. 125 of
Ancient Free and accepted Masons of Chesapeake City in
Cecil county.

No. 286. An act to incorporate the Chester Fruit Packing

No. 28*7. An act authorizing the Commissioners of Wor-
cester county to accept and establish as a county road a road
therein described, and making said road the division line of
that portion of Worcester and Somerset counties.

No. 288. An act to incorporate the "Harford Fire Insur-
ance Company of Baltimore city.

No. 289. An act to add a new article to the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws to be entitled public roads in Caroline

No. 290. An act to add a new article to the Code of Pub-
lic General Laws to be entitled public roads.

No. 291. An act to appropriate a sum of money to pay B.
E. Smith, Thomas A. Kennard, John Murphy & Co., E. A.
Jones, John G. Mezick, Cushings and Bailey, D. R. M.
Dixon, Mahler Rhoderick, late Sheriff of Frederick county,
C.W. Shearer, Edward Spedden, agent for John Hinsely,
Samuel J. Storm, E. M. Friend, Stephen R. Gore.

No. 292. An act to add a new article to the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws for Queen Anne county, to build a new jail
for said county and provide means for that purpose.

No. 293. An act authorizing the trustees of the Second
Universalists Society of the city of Baltimore to sell a lot
therein mentioned.

No. 294. An act to authorize the purchase or condemna-
tion of certain lands in the city of Annapolis and in Anne
Arundel county for the public use of the United States as
part of the Naval Academy, and to cede to the United States
concurrent jurisdiction over such lands, and to exempt the
same from taxation.

No. 295. An act to prevent the interruption of the navi
gation of the Little Annamessex river in Somerset county.

No. 296. An act to incorporate the Hagerstown Water

No. 297. An act to incorporate the Frederick County Su-
per-Phosphate and Manufacturing Company.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 5222   View pdf image (33K)
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