prescribed; provided, always, that such rules and
by-laws shall be in nowise inconsistent with the
Constitution and laws of the State of Maryland or
of the United States. |
Proviso. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the officers of
this association shall consist of a President, Secre-
tary and Treasurer, and an Executive Committee
of five, and such other ofiicers as the general
interest of the association may require, to be chosen
in the manner hereinafter provided. The five
persons first named in section one of this Act shall
constitute the committee for the first year, or until
their successors are elected or appointed, and they
together with the President or Vice-President,
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of |
Officers. |
business. The objects of the association are hereby
declared to be the mutual protection in adversity
of members of the telegraphic profession, uphold-
ing and elevating the character and standing of
the profession, the development of the science of
telegraphing, the promotion and maintenance of
the general interests and welfare of the profession
and its members. |
Objects. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That said association
is authorized to establish a uniform system of fees
for admission to membership, in no case to exceed
ten dollars, and also a uniform system of dues,
payable periodically, at such intervals as shall be
prescribed by the rules of said association, but such
assessment of dues shall in no case exceed the sum
of ten dollars in any one year. |
Fee for ad-
mission. |
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That within seven
months after the passage of this Act, the corpora-
tors, named in the first section of this Act, shall
draw up or cause to be drawn up, a constitution
not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
for the government of said association, which shall
be approved by a majority of said corporators, or
if any refuse to act, then by a majority of the re-
mainder; and said corporators shall also, within
the space of seven months from the passage of this
Act, give written notice to each member of the
association, of the time of meeting for the pre-
liminary organization of said association (which
notice shall be at least twenty days prior to the
ime fixed upon for said meeting. At said meet-
105 |
—how formed. |