ing due quarterly on the currency debt of this
State, two hundred and twenty-one thousand dol-
lars, the interest on the Bounty Loan of eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, thirty thousand and sixty
dollars; the interest on the Stirling debt falling
due semi-annually, and payable in London, in-
cluding the cost of exchange, remittance and
commission, four hundred and fifty thousand
dollars; for the payment of the interest on the
bonds of the Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad
Company, issued in eighteen hundred and forty-
six, and in eighteen hundred sixty-four, one thou-
sand dollars.
To the night watchmen of public buildings, six
hundred dollars each, twelve hundred dollars, to
the person employed to take care of the public
buildings; five hundred and forty dollars, to the
keeper of the steam house and record office furnace;
six hundred dollars, to the assistant keeper of the
steam house and record office furnace; five hundred
and forty dollars, to the person employed to attend
to the rooms of the Court of Appeals; one hundred
dollars, to the messenger to the Governor; seven
hundred dollars, for the salary of the State Vaccine
Agent; six hundred dollars, for stationary for De-
partments; five hundred dollars, for the expense of
distributing the Maryland Reports, fifty dollars.
for office rent and expenses of office of Commis-
sioner of Immigration, eight hundred dollars. |
ous. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer
of the State, shall upon the warrant of the
Comptroller disburse the said sums of money
herein appropriated, for the objects and pur-
poses specified, to or upon the order of the
person or persons, bodies politic or corporate
severally entitled thereto, and that the several
public officers to whom the same or any part
thereof may be paid, shall render quarterly to the
Comptroller accounts of the expenditure thereof,
with the proper vouchers thereof verified by affida-
vit, except such part as may be disbursed out of
the Executive Contingent Fund, upon the order of
the Governor, or such further part thereof as may
be paid for on account of salaries fixed by the Con-
stitution and laws of this State. |
Treasurer to
pay upon war-
rant of Comp-
troller. |