SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That George R. Dennis, Laur-
ence C. Bringle, Joseph Routzaher. Michael Reefer,
John W. Binley, George Marhell, Benjamin J.
Snouffer, Lewis F. Detricks, Edward Jones, Joshua
Biggs, Johnathan Routzahn, John B. Thomas,
Henry Buzzard, Ezra Houck, John Loats, John A.
Smith, Valentine S. Brunner, Aaron Anders, Sin-
gleton King, Outerbridge Horsey and their associ-
ates, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby
created a Corporation and body politic, by the name
and style of "The Frederick County Super Phos-
phate and Manufacturing Company; and by that
name may have perpetual succession, and shall be
able and capable in law to sue and be sued, to plead
and be impleaded, answer and be answered, in any
Court of Law or Equity, and to make and use a
common seal, and at pleasure to alter the same and
to ordain and establish such by-laws, and regula-
tions as shall be necessary and convenient for con-
ducting the affairs of the Corporation, not repug-
nant to law. |
Incorporated. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the objects of said
Corporation are hereby declared to be the manufac-
ture and preparation of super-phosphate, lime, com- |
Objects of in-
corporating. |