Penalty for
pointing wa-
ter. |
Sec. 15. Be it enacted. That if any person shall
wilfully polute the said water thus to be intro-
duced, by throwing any dead animals or other im-
pure substances into the same, or by washing
themselves or clothes therein, or by erecting a ne-
cessary or other nuisance so near the said water as
to polute the same; the person or persons so of-
fending shall forfeit and pay to the said company,
a sum not exceeding twenty dollars for every such
offense, to be recovered by warrant before any
Justice of the Peace of the town of Hagerstown,
to be issued against the person so offending, if a
freeman, otherwise against the husband, father or
master of the person so offending, as the case may
be, who shall be held answerable accordingly. |
Penalty for
using water
without first
becoming a
renter. |
Sec. 16. Be it enacted. That if any inhabitants
of said town, or other person, such inhabitant or
other person being first duly cautioned, shall use
or in anywise meddle with the water thus intro-
duced, whether obtained from hydrants or other-
wise, such inhabitant or person, not being a water
renter at the time or licensed by the said President
and Directors, shall forfeit and pay for every such
offense a sum not exceeding six dollars, to be re-
covered by the said President and Directors by
warrant, as above stated. |
Capital stock
maybe increased.
Sec. 17. Be it enacted, That if it shall be
found that the said capital be inefficient to effect
the object intended, the said President and Direc-
tors, are and shall be authorized to increase the
same by subscription in the manner and upon the
terms hereinafter prescribed for the reception of |
Proviso. |
subscriptions; provided, that the said capital shall
not be increased so as to exceed one hundred thou-
sand dollars. |
Dividends to
be declared
semi-annnally. |
Sec. 18. Be it enacted. That there shall be a
semi-annual dividend of profits upon shares of
stock, and the first shall be made on the first Mon-
day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine,
if the sum then received shall be deemed sufficient
for that purpose, and semi-annually thereafter. |
Majority com-
petent to trans-
act business. |
Sec. 19. Be it enacted, That a majority of said
Directors shall be competent to transact all the
business and discharge all the duties authorized
by and directed by this Act, |