of captaincy; S. R. Gore fifty-one dollars and
seventy-five cents, for moneys erroneously paid
into the Treasury. |
In force. |
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
CHAPTER 292. |
Passed Mar.
13,1867. |
AN ACT to add a new article to the Cod of Pub-
lic Local Laws for Queen Anne's county, to
build a new jail for said county and provide
means for that purpose. |
Authority to
build Jail. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following article be
added to the Code of Public Local Laws for Queen
Anne's county: That the County Commissioners
for Queen Anne's county be and are hereby em-
powered to contract for and superintend, or in
their discretion, to appoint some suitable person
or persons to superintend the building of a new
jail on the public ground in Centreville, and for
furnishing the jail when so erected with all the
necessary furniture for the detention and comfort
of prisoners confined therein. |
Authority to
levy. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the County Com-
missioners for Queen Anne's county are hereby
authorized and required to levy upon the assessa-
ble property of said county to an amount not ex-
ceeding eight thousand dollars, as hereinafter pro-
vided, for the construction of and furnishing said
jail, and all levies for that purpose shall be made
as other county levies are now required to be. |
Treasurer to
be appointed. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the County
Commissioners shall appoint one of their own
number or some other person a Treasurer, who
shall have in charge all the moneys levied and
borrowed or otherwise received, and who shall pay
out and disburse the same upon the orders of the |