AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay
B. Everett Smith, Thomas A. Kennard, John
Murphy & Co., B. A. Jones, John G. Mezick,
Cushings & Bailey, D. R. M. Dixon, Mahlon
Rhoderick, late Sheriff of Frederick county, 0.
W. Shearer, Edward Spedden, agent for John
Hinsley, Samuel P. Storme, B. M. Friend,
Stephen R. Gore. |
Passed 1867. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Comptroller be and he is
hereby directed to issue his warrant on the Treas-
urer to pay B. Everett Smith six hundred and
twenty-five dollars, for publishing in the Worces-
ter County "Shield," the Public General Laws
passed at the special session of the Legislature,
January, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; Thomas
Kennard twenty-seven dollars, thirty cents, late
Clerk of the Superior Court, Baltimore city; John
Murphy & Co., fifty-nine dollars and sixty-three
cents, for stationery furnished State Librarian;
E. A. Jones fifteen dollars and fifty cents, for
printing Constitutional Amendments; John B.
Mezick thirty-four dollars, for seventeen days' ser-
vices as Clerk to the Commissioners to superintend
the enrolment and draft of the militia of Worces-
ter county; Cushings & Bailey three dollars and
eighty-eight cents, for stationery; D. R. M. Dix-
son twenty-nine dollars and twenty-five cents,
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert county;
Mahlon Rhoderick sixteen dollars and forty cents
judgment for defendants as sheriff of Frederick
county; C. W. Shearer ninety-two dollars, for
service as military commandant of the fifty-fourth
military district of the State of Maryland; Ed-
ward Spedden, agent for John Hinsley, one hun-
dred and eighty-six dollars, by order of Ex-Gov-
ernor Hicks; Samuel P. Storme sixty dollars and
sixty-seven cents, for taxes erroneously paid into
the Treasury; B. M. Friend, one hundred eighty-
three dollars, for services rendered the State by
official appointment, as commandant with the rank |
directed to is-
sue warrant. |