shall refuse to call such meeting, stockholders,
proprietors of five thousand shares, shall have
power to call such meeting in the manner specified,
giving notice in at least three of the daily news-
papers published in the city of Baltimore, and
special notice to stockholders non-residents of the
city. |
In case elec-
tions be not
held. |
See. 15. And be it enacted, That should it so
happen from any cause whatsoever that the an-
nual election of Directors should not take place in
any year on the day hereinbefore mentioned for
that purpose, this company for that reason shall
not be dissolved, but such election may be lawfully
held on such convenient day as may thereafter be
fixed by the President and Board of Directors,
they giving ten days public notice of the same. |
Board of Di-
rectors. |
Sec. 16. And be it enacted. That the first six
persons named in the first section shall be and
they are hereby constituted the first board of di-
rectors, and shall serve as such until the election
of their successors as hereinbefore provided for. |
Reservation. |
Sec. 17. And be it enacted.. That the General
Assembly reserves the right to alter, repeal or
modify this Act at pleasure. |
In force. |
Sec. 18. And be it enacted. That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage. |
CHAPTER 182. |
Passed Mar.
4,1867. |
AN ACT to incorporate the Quaker Neck Wharf
Company, in Quaker Neck, Kent county, on
Chester River,. |
—power and
privileges. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Edward Wilkins, Fran-
cis Baker, James P. Decorse, John Haddaway,
William G. Trew, Bartus Trew, Barney Decorse,
Oliver F. Jones, Philip T. Simmons, William |