Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors shall keep full and fair entries of
their transactions, winch shall at all times be open
to the inspection of the stockholders; and they
shall annually prepare a full and true statement
of the funds, property and securities of the asso-
ciation, showing the amount in real estate, bonds,
notes, mortgages and other securities, the amount
of debts due to and from the association, which
statement shall be certified by the President and
Secretary, and reported to the annual meeting of
the stockholders. |
Required to
keep full en-
tries, &c. |
Sec. 11. And be it enacted. That nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to confer bank-
ing privileges upon said company; issue any note,
token, scrip, device or other evidence of debt to be
used as a currency. |
Banking pri-
vileges prohib-
ited. |
Sec. 12. And be it enacted. That no stockholder
or other member of this association shall be an-
swerable in his person or individual property for
any contracts or agreements of said association, or
for any losses, deficiencies or failure of the capital
stock of this association, but the whole of the
capital stock, together with all property, rights
and credits belonging thereunto, and nothing
more shall at any time be answerable for the de-
mands against the said association. |
not answera-
ble. |
Sec. 13. And be it enacted, That the stock of
this company may be assigned and transferred on
the books of the company in person or by power
of attorney only, but no stockholder indebted to
the company shall be permitted to make a trans-
fer or receive a dividend until all arrearages are
paid. |
Stock may be
transferred. |
Sec. 14. And be it enacted, That the President
and Directors may call a general meeting of the
stockholders for any purpose relative to the affairs
of the association, giving at least fifteen days no-
tice thereof in at least three of the daily news-
papers of the city of Baltimore; and it shall be
the duty of the Secretary to give notice of such
call to each stockholder not a resident of the city
of Baltimore, through the medium of the post-
office, and such notice shall specify the object of
such meeting, and if the President and Directors
41 |
General Meet-
ings may be
called. |