—power and
privileges. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Josias Pennington, Thomas
Wilson, Philip R. Tyson, Joseph R. Anderson,
Patrick Hamill, Richard W. Templeman, St.
Felix Colardeau, William F. Frick, John M. Da-
vis, William. C. Pennington, Alfred Spates, and
James F. McHenry, and all and every other per-
son or persons hereafter becoming members of the
Allegany Land Company, their successors and as-
signs, be, and they are hereby created and made
a corporation and body politic, by the name of the
Allegany Land Company, and by that name shall
and may have perpetual succession, and be capa-
ble in law of purchasing, holding, improving and
disposing of property, real, personal or mixed to
the extent in the manner and for the purposes
herein authorized, and may sue and be sued, plead
and be impleaded, answer and defend, and be an-
swered and defended in all courts of law and equity,
and may receive and make all deeds, transfers, in-
struments of writing, covenants, grants, contracts,
bargains and agreements whatsoever, necessary for
the said purposes, and may have and use a com-
mon seal, which they shall have power to alter
or renew at pleasure and generally may do every
other act or thing necessary to carry into effect the
provisions of this Act, and promote the objects
and designs of said company as authorized hereby; |
Authority to
receive sub-
scriptions, &c. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said named
persons may receive subscriptions from time to
time to the capital stock of said company, in
shares of twenty dollars each, to any amount not
exceeding twenty-five thousand shares; and fur
the purpose of obtaining any such subscription,
they shall give ten days public notice by ad-
vertisement in one or more daily newspapers print-
ed in the city of Baltimore, and in the city of |