AN ACT to authorize and require the State Trea-
surer, on the warrant of the Comptroller, to pay
the court costs in the various suits instituted or
pending in the courts of this State and the Su-
preme Court of the United States to test the
validity of the Registry law. |
Passed Mar
21,1867. |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland) That the Treasurer be and he is
hereby authorized and required, on the warrantor
the Comptroller, to pay to the Clerk of the Court
of Appeals the sum of one thousand dollars for
and on account of the court costs in the various
suits instituted or pending in the courts of this
State or the Supreme Court of the United States
in behalf of citizens of this State to test the valid-
ity of the Registry law. |
Treasurer to
pay on war-
rant. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That if the Comp-
troller, upon the presentation of and examination,
shall find any sums to be due to any clerk or
other person for costs due, paid or to be due for
any money on account of court costs in the suits
aforesaid less than the said earn of one thousand dol-
lars, then the Comptroller shall issue his warrant
for such less sum in favor of the Clerk of the
Court of Appeals, who shall disburse the same
among the parties entitled thereto respectively. |
to issue his
warrant. |