. Speaker of the House of
Delegates of Maryland.
SIR: I have received a copy of the Order of the House of De-
legates, passed January 23rd, 1867, requiring me to cummu-
nicate to the House at as early a day as possible, what amount
of gross receipts per annum this company has received from
freight and charges from passengers and otherwise, commen-
cing on the first day of January, 1867, over the line of the Wash-
ington Branch of said Railroad, and also on the main stem of
said road. Also, if the said receipts on said branch and main
stem of said road have diminished since the war, what have
been the same yearly.
I have the honor to transmit herewith printed copies of the
Annual Reports of the President and Directors of this com-
pany for the years 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864, which contain
the desired information in respect to those years, in such form
and with such details as will probably be most acceptable to
the House.
For the period since the year 1864, no Annual Reports have
been published for the reason, among others, that no correct
statement of the annual gross receipts from the main stem or
the Washington Branch could be made, in consequence of
large accounts with the Government remaining unsettled.
For similar reasons, I am not yet able to respond to the in-
quiry of the House so far as it relates to the years 1865 and
1866, or to the comparative amount of annual receipts since
the war.
As the House desires information as soon as it can possibly
be furnished, I hasten to afford it as far as it is now in my
power, and when the accounts for the last two years shall have
been fully and accurately made up, I shall have the honor to
furnish such information in regard to them as may be de-