quire a responsible guarantor, residing in the city of Balti-
more, for the payment of the dues according to tho forms in
use; and in no instance shall this rule be dispensed with.
It shall be the duty of the Medical Superintendent to have
the accounts against the city of Baltimore presented in the
last week cf March, June, September and December.
It shall be the duty of the Medical Superintendent to give
timely notice to the Commisssioners of the Counties of the
amounts to be levied for the support of their insane poor, and
when payment is to be made to the Hospital. In due time he
shall draw upon the Presidents of the Commissioners of the
Counties for the same.
The Assistant Physician must be a graduate of medicine,
and shall perform the duties of Apothecary, prepare and put
up all medicines, and see that all prescriptions are properly
administered; and he shall perform such other professional
duties, and such other hospital services as may be assigned to
him by the Medical Superintendent, who is the chief execu-
tive officer of the Institution. He shall reside in the hospi-
tal; and in his intercourse with the inmates he will exert
what moral influence he can, and endeavor in every way to
further the views and wishes of the Medical Superintendent
in regard to the moral and medical treatment of the patients,
must see that the patients are properly treated by their at-
tendants, and report to the Medical Superintendent all in-
stances of neglect or abuse which may come to his knowledge.
When the Medical Superintendent is sick or absent from
the city, he is represented by the Assistant Physician. He
shall be appointed on the nomination of the Medical Super-
On the nomination of the Medical Superintendent, the
Board shall appoint suitable persons to be Steward, Male
Supervisor and an Assistant, Female Supervisor and an As-
sistant, the details of whose duties, with the sanction of the
Board, shall be arranged by the Medical Superintendent, to
whom they are directly responsible.
All Attendants in the Institution shall be appointed by the
Medical Superintendent, and they shall perform such duties
as he may assign to them, and hold their places at the
pleasure of the Board.
All persons employed shall be governed by such rules as
the Medical Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Pres-
ident, may think proper to appoint; and each of them shall
be furnished with a printed copy of the same,
No officer or attendant in the Institution shall receive from
any person or persons, any fee, perquisite, or any compen-
sation, other than his or her regular salary.