welfare of the school, the teacher may send such pupil home
with a notice of suspension, until a permit is obtained from
the commissioner.
19. Any pupil staying away from school on account of
having been punished, or from the fear of punishment, shall
not be allowed to return until a permit is obtained from the
20. Smoking and chewing tobacco, and carrying fire-
arms or other dangerous weapons, either in the school room
or on the school premises, are strictly forbidden, and any pu-
pil bringing to the school a dangerous weapon may be sus-
pended by the teacher, and the case reported to the commis-
21. When books are placed in the hands of pupils for use
they shall have them neatly covered with muslin, calico,
cloth or stout paper, and parents and guardians are required
to see that this rule is always observed. Parents and guar-
dians will be required to replace or pay for all books re-
tained, destroyed or lost, and they will also be held responsi-
ble and required to pay for all damages done by their chil-
dren or wards to school houses, school furniture, trees, fences,
22. The Fall term commences on the 1st day of Septem-
ber; the Winter term commences on the 16th day of Novem-
ber; the Spring term commences on the 1st day of February;
the Summer term commences on the 16th day of April.
28. Teachers are requested to read these rules to the whole
school once in two weeks.
"It shall be the duty of all teachers, in schools of every
grade, to impress upon the minds of youth committed to their
instruction, the principles of piety and justice, loyalty and
sacred regard for truth, love of their country, humanity and
benevolence, sobriety, industry and chastity, and those vir-
tues which are the basis upon which a Republican Constitu-
tion is founded; and it shall be the duty of such instructors
to lead their pupils into a clear understanding of the ten-
dency of these virtues, to preserve the blessings of liberty,
promote temporal happiness and advance the greatness of the
American Nation."