tendance, the pupil may be suspended and reported to the
6. Pupils when entering or leaving the school room must
bow respectfully to the teacher. They shall keep silence in
school, and avoid all unnecessary noise while upon the school
T. No pupil shall be permitted to leave school before the
regular hour for closing, for any cause except sickness.
8. Pupils must conduct themselves with propriety during
recess, which shall be limited to ten minutes A. M. and P.
M., and be at different times for boys and girls.
9. Pupils shall be considered under the government of
their teachers, while going to and returning from, as well as
when in the school room.
10. Pupils must leave the school premises as soon as
school is dismissed, and return promptly and quietly to their
11. Pupils must pursue the course of study as prescribed,
including all the branches suited to their age and advance-
12. Pupils shall prepare their recitations at home, and
when the exercise is not correctly performed, the delinquent
may be detained at recess and after the regular school hours
to make up the deficiency.
13. Every pupil shall strictly obey all the orders and com-
mands of the teacher, and when any pupil refuses to comply
with such orders, the teacher may inflict a reason able punish-
ment, and in extreme cases may send the pupil home with a
note to the parents, informing them that their child has re-
fused obedience and thereby forfeited the privileges of the
school until the commissioner grants permission for return.
The teacher shall also notify the commissioner of the suspen-
sion of the pupil by sending him a copy of the notice sent to
the parent.
14. No pupil, who may have been expelled from one school
shall be admitted into any other school, without a permit
from the commissioner, who ordered the expulsion.
15. The names of pupils who have often been reproved for
improper acts, or the use of profane and unchaste language,
shall be reported to the commissioner.
16. Any pupil who shall deface or destroy any property
belonging to the school or to private individuals, shall be re-
quired to pay for the same, and may be punished at the dis-
cretion of the teacher.
17. Every act of truant-playing shall subject the offender
to reproof and admonition, and upon a repetition of the of-
fence, the pupil shall be suspended and the case reported to
the commissioner.
18. When a pupil is guilty of any immoral conduct, or of
using profane or indecent language injurious to the general