eipal of the debt ($12,000) had never been in dispute.
Although a new Commissioners' Court was elected in Novem-
ber, '65, we felt confident they would not fail to carry out the
obligations assumed by their predecessors, in regard to a
claim so palpably just, and we made our arrangements ac-
cordingly. What was our surprise to learn subsequently,
that an attempt was being made to induce the Court to repu-
diate the entire claim ! To counteract this, if possible, we
issued an address to the people (a copy of which is appended)
setting forth the facts in the case, urging upon them to give
some public expression to their disapprobation of the threa-
tened repudiation of the debt, and to petition the Court to
levy such portion of it as the necessity of the schools required.
Owing to the apathy of some, and opposition of others, the
response to our appeal, was not such as the importance of the
interests at stake, demanded. Some hundred signatures,
representing little more than $300,000 of the property of the
County, were obtained: but had the petitions been much
more numerously signed, we doubt their influences on the
minds of the Court, who—while admitting themselves to be
friends of the schools—had nevertheless, through the aid of
counsels ' learned in the law,' reached the conclusion, that
they had no legal authority to levy any portion of the debt
claimed. We were accordingly obliged to seek redress in the
Courts; but in the interim, the action of the County Com-
missioners left us no alternative, but to close the schools on
the children of the County, or borrow sufficient to meet the
deficiency thus created. We chose the latter, as the lesser
evil and have thus been enabled to continue the schools
throughout the year; though, of course, the repayment of
the loan, which falls due in October next, will produce a
corresponding deficiency in onr available resources for an-
other year. The necessity of this loan, will be apparent on
an examination of the Treasurer's Report annexed. As there
stated, our total gross receipts from all sources, to July 31st,
1866, were...................................... ............$16,761 58
From which deduct loan, and State installment
pledged to its payment................................ 4,054 70
which leaves as our total available resources. ..... 12,706 88
From which deduct
Cost of instruction.............$8,789 94
Indebtedness of late Board.. 2,277 49
Districting County & Maps. 275 00
————$11,342 40
leaving the meagre sum of.............................. 1,364 48
with which to meet the expense of repairing seventeen old
houses; erecting two new ones; purchasing school lets and
furniture, and all other contingencies. Notwithstanding our