meetings, dm ing the interval of those of the regular County
Association, at some school house in the district, taking the
schools in the order of their numbers.
At these district meetings, a strict adherence to parliament
tary forms, except in regard to decorum is not required;
they are to be more of a conversational character. A tem-
porary Secretary is however appointed by the chair, whose
duty it is to report to the County Association anything of
general interest that occurs.
If the method of teaching any special branch is under dis-
cussion, the teacher at whose school the meeting convenes, is
expected to exemplify his own mode by the recitation of his
class. These district meetings, thus conducted, must, I think,
commend themselves for their practical utility, to general
The County Association has projected a Library of reference
and professional reading, which already numbers forty vol-
umes. A Magnetic Globehasalso been secured, to which they
intend, as their means permit, to add other illustrative appa-
ratus. The members generally have subscribed to the 'Amer.
Ed. Monthly,' whose columns they have already employed
for the publication of some of their contributions.
The attendance on the Association has been good, and the
increasing interest manifested by the members in its proceed-
ings, encourages the belief, that it will prove not only highly
beneficial to the teachers themselves, by sustaining their
' esprit do corps,' and perfecting them in their art; but, by
bringing paients and others within the circle of its influence,
greatly aid in disarming public prejudices, and in popular-
ising the system. While on this topic, I would remark that,
many of our teachers would gladly avail themselves of the
benefits of the State Normal School, during the vacation of
their own schools, but as the vacations coincide, it is of course
impracticable. Could not the sessions of the former be alter-
ed as to time, to afford them an opportunity of attending?
In ray Report of December last, I stated, as you recollect,
in reference to our income, " that it was barely sufficient to
cover current expenses, and without an increase of funds, we
could not hope to erect such houses as were needed ;—that to
meet the deficiency, our chief resource was the collection of
a debt due us by the County for money borrowed by the latter
from the School Fund in 1845 ;—that to adjust this claim,
and avoid the expense of litigation, we had entered into a
written agreement August, 1865) with the County Commis-
sioners, to submit the matter in controversy to arbitration
which had resulted in an award in our favor of $4398 58 for
arrearages of interest, due us to 1st June, 1865." The pria-